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Violin (Advanced), Piano (Advanced), & Guitar (Beginner)

Where I Began:
Violin - As a shining member of my 5th grade orchestra
Piano - As an eager 6 year old diving into the world of music
Guitar - As a curious performer expanding her expression
Where I am Now:
Violin - Proud of the 5 stage productions where I've showcased my skills as an actor-musician
Piano - Ready to continue my experience as a theatre music captain and self-accompanist
Guitar - Learning my favorite songs in my free time
Where I am Going:
Violin - Performing in Once and other incredible productions that utilize actor-musicians
Piano - Bringing my skills onstage in a production
Guitar - Strengthening my knowledge and abilities

The Christmas Schooner, Great Plains Theatre, 2022
Beyond the Garden Gate, The Imposters Theatre Company, 2024
Into the Woods, Thunder Bay, 2019

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